Archivolts: ar·chi·volt n.
A decorative molding carried around an arched wall opening.
Carillon: car·il·lon
–noun 1.a set of stationary bells hung in a tower and sounded by manual or pedal action, or by machinery.
2.a set of horizontal metal plates, struck by hammers, used in the modern orchestra.
Catenary: cat·e·nar·y
1. The curve formed by a perfectly flexible, uniformly dense, and inextensible cable suspended from its endpoints. It is identical to the graph of a hyperbolic cosine.
2. Something having the general shape of this curve.
Girders: gird·er
n. A beam, as of steel, wood, or reinforced concrete, used as a main horizontal support in a building or bridge. Trencadis: a type of mosaic made from broken pieces of tile.
Helicoidal: hel·i·coi-dal
–adjective 1.coiled or curving like a spiral.
–noun 2.Geometry. a warped surface generated by a straight line moving so as to cut or touch a fixed helix.
Polychrome: pol·y·chrome
–adjective 1.being of many or various colors.
2.decorated or executed in many colors, as a statue, vase, or mural.
–verb (used with object) paint in many or various colors.
Topographic map
a map showing the relief features of the earth's surface, usu. by means of contour lines to show changes in elevation;
Tubular bells:
–noun Often, tubular bells. one of a set of tuned metal tubes of different lengths used as a musical instrument, suspended vertically from a frame and struck with a mallet to produce sounds or melodies.
–noun an agency of the United Nations charged with instituting and administering programs for cooperative, coordinated action by member states in education, science, and the arts. [Origin: U(nited) N(ations) E(ducational), S(cientific, and) C(ultural) O(rganization)]
Viaducts vi·a·duct
n. A series of spans or arches used to carry a road or railroad over a wide valley or over other roads or railroads.